2021 Christmas Letter from the Founders

This year 2021, in Uganda, has seen us acquire land for both Pastor Steve and Geofrey’s families. Houses are being built on both plots for each family. Pastor Steve’s land will also have small units built upon it for rental, which will give more finance towards stable family living and any excess for further ministry work.
Geofrey and his family have moved into their ‘nearly completed’ house and Geofrey’s wife(a qualified teacher) is already running educational classes for underprivileged children!
Pastor Steve and Geofrey continue to reach children and families in the slum area of Kabowa, Kampala.The Hope Centre, that many of you contributed towards, by buying bricks in the early days, is a hub of activity today.
Bible studies, Gospel preaching and teaching, Food Distribution, Football training, Netball training, Sewing classes. It changes from day to day, but the children who have grown up in the slums, regard it as home and by being there receive a hope for the future.
One of the students who came to Warriors of Praise Training School and then went into the British Army before returning to Uganda, is also working hard in an area on Lake Victoria to build a Christian camping resort, where people can come and experience life on the lake, with fishing and other pursuits to try. His heart is to bring underprivileged children in small groups to have a completely new experience away from slum life and poverty, to take part in character building activities which will lead to a new desire and belief in the possibilities of a better quality of life and a new dream and vision for an improved future.
We are involved in helping with this project.
In the New Year of 2022, we will show you some photos of all these Uganda projects and if you feel led you can help either by offering prayer support, financial support or, when we are able to take you, travel support to see for yourselves the achievements being made in Uganda.
We have said very little about Pakistan this year, mostly for safety reasons. However, we have just had a very good catch up with Pastor Naeem whose family started the work. He was able to keep us posted on how the work continues to expand and grow with more churches and house groups springing up.
The Christian communities are persecuted in so many ways, but their bravery to preach the Gospel touches our hearts.
They need more New Testaments in their local language so that will be our next focus for Pakistan. Details in the New Year!
Meanwhile we want to wish you and your families a very Happy Christmas and we pray for a fruitful New Year 2022 for everyone. We also hope to see some of you when we are able!

Alistair and Connie