2022 Christmas update

“He who has pity (compassion) on the poor lends to the Lord, and He will pay back what he has given.”
As we are approaching Christmas and the end of another year, a time to reflect but also to look forward and a time when I feel especially thankful to God for His goodness and faithfulness to us at always but so much more when we are able to gather with and spend time with our families, our loved ones and our friends! It also reminds me that there are those who live lacking the same benefits we experience in our lives and it is this that moves me to send an update of the projects that we at Warriors of Praise are working with in Uganda and Pakistan.

The work in Uganda has seen an upsurge since the restrictions of the Covid pandemic were lifted and life returned to near normality! Our children in the slum areas of Kampala and Luwero district, were able to return to full time schooling, with new government ruling in all schools for children to have uniforms provided! We have been very fortunate and blessed that we have been able to obtain more part bursary places for our children in Kampala, because of their skills and abilities in sport which have been developed through their involvement in the WOP academy which has now been up and running for a few years, even through the pandemic years! Our workers and trainers have worked tirelessly to instil discipline and good behaviour along with the natural development of their athletic abilities and teaching them always about a godly lifestyle!
We are now feeling led to set up another side to the academy which will work on developing dance and music skills for those young children who may be more able and interested in the arts side of life! These skills too are valuable as a tool for school bursaries but more importantly are giftings from the Lord and therefore need to encouraged and increased for His glory!
At Christmas time we also always increase our food distributions amongst the poor and needy families in the slum areas to show them the practical side of the love of God!
If you feel at all stirred in your hearts to make a special one off donation or even a regular monthly gift we can assure you that all donations will be used for the education, training, food distribution programmes and the running of our full time school in Luwero!

As you are probably all aware from watching news reports on media that Pakistan has been facing a major crisis of severe flooding throughout the country and is still in the midst of major challenges to restore agriculture and other parts of their economy! However it is good to report that our work in Lahore in the Punjab was not devastated in the same way as the rest of the nation and the churches have continued to function! Like the rest of the country there has been a lack of available food to distribute and things are even more challenging for believers in Pakistan than at normal times! In the midst of it all the churches are still growing as desperate people look for answers and help!
Like in Uganda, we like to send special gifts to our leaders in the church at Christmas to enable them to reach out with the love of God and His word in their local communities! This includes preaching and teaching outreaches but also meeting practical needs of feeding, clothing and warm blankets, etc for the winter season!
If you feel stirred to give to the work in Pakistan, be assured all money received goes directly to the projects, whether one off or a monthly donation!

We always value your prayers for our teams of workers both in Pakistan and Uganda and of course here in UK too!

Abundant blessings and thanks!

Alistair Scott