Schools restart with part bursaries

We completed the last term of school in the summer by once again arranging a football and netball tournament through our sports academies with celebrations and food for our children and their families and sent the families away with bags of essential food, toiletries, etc for the holiday! During the school holidays the children and young people continue to come into our centres for computer and basic IT training and also to be coached for their sporting activities!

As schools restart a new term in Uganda during the 2nd half of September, we are now continuing to support our young people as they return to school with all the scholastic materials they need for the coming term and the extra school fees for all the 50+ children we have placed in local schools! We have part bursaries for all our children from the slum areas but still we need to find a considerable amount of money (about£600) at the start of each term for our young people! I’m so very happy to report that the young people are very enthusiastic about being educated and are always eager to return to school each term! This really is a big breakthrough step for children in the slum areas of Kampala!

Another major and exciting development in the Wakiso district of Kampala, a 2nd slum area, is that we have now registered our main centre there as a Nursery and Primary school so by the end of this autumn term we should be up and running to take in local children from the local community! It also means that we can use our local leaders, Geofrey and Dafine Okot’s skills in teaching and life skills more effectively in that area where they have chosen to live as ambassadors for the Lord!

We value your prayers as always, as we see the project for helping families out of the poverty trap in the slums grow through providing education, sport and dance both for recreation, spiritual and physical welfare as there is nothing that is done without the foundational teaching of our Christian faith as we give all the glory to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

If you feel led at all to support our work financially in Uganda please contact us and follow the links on the website!

Blessings always!