Tough times – Be strong in the Lord!

If you have been following recent national news stories on tv, radio and other social media, you will probably be very aware of the recent terrible attacks on Christian churches and communities in Pakistan, which actually began in the region of Punjab close to where our church ministries are based! We have seen the devastation caused by riotous crowds attacking and burning down buildings where Christian congregations meet and live! Until now, the churches and communities we have planted and support have not been severely affected by the riots but are constantly under threat, making it almost impossible for Christians to carry out their jobs! I was recently sent a report of a Christian man who had been working faithfully in a local hospital for many years, but was told by his boss to resign and go into hiding immediately as he was likely to be attacked simply because of his faith in Jesus! Our church leaders in and around Lahore are having to meet secretly in small numbers now as church entrances have been boarded up by local militants!

These are very tough times for our brothers and sisters living under true persecution and we so appreciate your prayers and intercession for the leaders of the churches and their congregations in these very challenging days!

Eph6:10 “Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might!” And as the word in Joshua 1:9 encourages “Be strong and courageous…. for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go!” Let these words be our prayers and declarations over the Christian communities throughout Pakistan!

If you feel led to help in any way financially towards the plight of our Christian brothers in Pakistan please follow the links in our website and contact us here in UK! 

Blessings always!