Uganda Projects

Since our mission trip to Uganda earlier this year, the football and netball academies for the boys and girls in the slum area have continued. These projects continue to grow in number and as such require us to finance more workers to train and run the teams in tournaments and training sessions. The discipline that the academy has brought to these children is so important in their character development.

We always need funding for footballs, boots, and all the necessary clothing equipment, and to reward our training staff with salaries.

This year IT and Computer Training classes have been added to the Hope Centre and also in the Wakiso district, a suburb of Kampala where there are many needy families.

We have also been able to supply clean water and electricity to the community and this has gained the ministry great favour with local families. For this project, we also need ongoing funding to add more educational resources for the children as the numbers keep on growing.

There is an ongoing feeding programme for needy families in the slum areas of , and also in the Wakiso suburb, where there is extreme poverty. We are always needing to supply families with basic food of flour, rice, cooking oil and essentials such as soap and household goods.

We are also in the process of working with another young Ugandan man who was trained here in UK and is now back in Kampala developing a fishing and agriculture project on a piece of land he has acquired on
the banks of Lake Victoria. This will be used to train young, disadvantaged people in skills leading to potential future work in their lives, and to give basic holiday breaks in tent accommodation for our disadvantaged children. This is probably one of the most exciting current projects, but also the one that requires the largest amount of funding for extra workers, equipment and resources.
If you feel stirred to help in any of our Ugandan projects please go to our Contacts Page for details about how you can give towards the work.
We always appreciate your prayer support for all our workers in our Ugandan projects!