August 21 Report

This month Warriors of Praise will reach 32 years. 

You may ask, how difficult has it been in this long lock down period, to continue to work to achieve the vision, whilst we have been unable to travel to our project work in the mission fields. 

The Bible tells us in Psalm 121:4, that “the Lord never slumbers or sleeps”,and we have been  equipped as His people, to do every good work He gives us. 

We can testify that our faithful God has enabled the work to continue even during these unusual  days and in the face of the Covid Pandemic. 

Here is an up to date report from Uganda, concerning Pastor Steve and Geofrey’s situations. We returned to the UK from Kampala just as the first lock down was beginning, both in the UK and in Uganda. We were blessed to enable our overseeing Pastor Steve and our key worker Geofrey to  both invest in properties before we left. In both cases and when finished, these properties will  double up as their permanent homes and ministry bases in the Kampala area. 

Pastor Steve and his family were all hit with covid earlier this year, but are now returning to full  health, although still quite tired. Despite this, the whole family have been working hard to get on  with the building work and have made great strides forward. To see this building complete Pastor  Steve still needs doors, windows,wiring, plumbing and painting to be done. 

He also has some small units to be completed which will be used for rentals, to supply the finance  for the family’s needs. This is alongside the ongoing costs of the work in the slum area. 

Geofrey and his wife Daphine, have almost finished their house. There are still some rooms to  plaster and they need a secure wall to be built around the property. 

They have already moved in, with their two children and the house is already in use to provide  classrooms for computer studies and other community needs.  

Daphine is a fully trained school teacher and we have decided to bring her onto the staff so she can  educate the poorer children from the local area. 

This month our appeal is to offer you the chance to help Pastor Steve and Geofrey to finish their  homes. If so, please go to our Giving Page on the Warriors of Praise website: 

Any gift large or small would be so appreciated. They are both working tirelessly to help the under  privileged children and their families from the slum areas of Kampala, in feeding programs and in  obtaining bursaries for education as well as providing computer training, sewing classes, netball and football training. 

Our aim this month is to see these hard working families rewarded with their own secure,  completed, and paid for, properties where they can live without the burden of rising rents and  utility costs. 

Thank you for your consideration! 

Our next report will include projects concerning Solomon and Vincent. 

Thank you for your interest. If you would like more information please email us as follows: