August Update

As we are entering into a new season of the Lord, we as a ministry are also facing the start of a new term of school for the children we are educating in the slum areas of Kampala, Uganda! Since the Covid pandemic has come to an end, we have been able to place 50 children from the slum areas into local schools on half bursaries!

This is a great blessing to the local families as these young children are mainly those who are involved in our sports academies! The cost of providing education for these young boys and girls leaves us with a financial deficit of £500 per term (3 terms per year). The schools provide education + daily lunches and school uniforms for each child which is a tremendous blessing both short term and, we believe, long term to these needy families.

We have also been involved in building and running a school over many years in Luwero district which provides education for around 400 local children of very poor families along with employment for a few local teaching and admin staff! For the recent past few years a church ministry in Norfolk took on the responsibility of funding the teacher’s salaries but since the Covid pandemic, that church has experienced financial losses and has stopped all its funding since late 2021! We as a ministry felt challenged to do all we can to keep the school active to bless the village community! We have just funded the building of a new toilet block for the school along with other general maintenance tasks to the building!

We are happy to say that the local families in the community are raising funds towards the cost of teacher’s salaries but we are facing a monthly shortfall of about £200 to keep this school open!
Would you prayerfully consider helping us to keep providing essential education for these underprivileged families in Kampala and Luwero with a monthly, quarterly or even a one-time financial gift to help us keep this service alive in Uganda.

Costs for our slum kids education per term:

School dinners per child £12
School uniforms. £24
(Uniforms should last upto 2 years)

School fees per term:
Primary. £50
Secondary. £75
Boarding. £125
(Boarding is rare and only in extreme family situations)

In all the education situations we try to negotiate with schools for bursaries because of the poverty of the slum families and bursary discounts vary from 25-50% and very rarely full bursary where a child has a special sporting ability!

Blessings always!

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jer 29:11