Nursery/School Update

I’m just sending you an update on the nursery/school which was started at the start of February in one of the slum areas of Kampala with 20 children enrolled in the first term!

This was only made possible because of your very generous gift which enabled us to get the building work completed and furnishings installed! I just wanted to thank you personally for your generosity and faithfulness in believing in us as we bring opportunities of hope and a future to these children by providing them with education from a very young age!

We are standing and believing that our God will break the cycle of poverty in this generation! We now have 3 teaching staff members working in the school which gives us room for expansion in numbers in the coming terms!

I just felt you should be updated with pictures and a report as firstly this school would not have been started without your wonderful gift and to continue and grow without your ongoing interest in the project!

We always appreciate your prayer covering over our work in Uganda!

Blessings always! Al