Pakistan Overview

The project in Pakistan began in the late 1990s when we received an invitation to minister and help a minority group in the rural central region of the country who were living in severe poverty.
During this first visit by our team, we became aware of the real needs and lack of education and welfare facilities available to the many village communities and our hearts were stirred to find ways we could help in some way. Thus the mission began with a desire to raise sufficient funds to provide a centre for children’s education, adult literacy classes and a safe environment for the local people to gather together!
Having been gifted a piece of land by a local benefactor, we were quickly able to raise funds in the UK to build the first centre which would be run by the locals for the locals, but trained initially by our teams.
This first centre became the role model for future rural projects and over the years since, we have continued to see similar centres develop in other communities as training facilities, to help people in education and skills development for all age groups and families.
Our aim is to continue to provide support for the now well-established teams in Pakistan and to see more similar centres develop to help more communities.

Work now in Progress!

Roofing with bricks

Our current aim is to complete a flat roof structure, in the latest project, to be constructed at an estimated cost of £5000. This would enable us to open another training centre and also give us the potential to extend another floor above if and when required in the future!
If you feel stirred to help in this project in any way please go into our contacts page for details about how you can give towards this work.
We always appreciate your prayer support for all our workers in these projects!

Roof in progress